Friday, December 18, 2009

Enough of Your Heterosexism!

When I came across a recent blogpost on why Abhishek and John Abraham should have kissed in Dostana, I just cannot stop wondering how the issue of fighting for the alternative sexuality has always been from a heterosexist point of view! The media, especially those sick television shows and the new genre of Bollywood movies have gone an extra mile to make sure the debate on this is kept rolling, mostly for their commercial purposes. Not that I mean commercial purpose should never be on their cards. But when money making becomes your soul aim, most of the times, the real issue in hand takes a distorted shape. Why take a critical issue as this to make money.? In the end, apart from making money, you end up misrepresenting the community. Worse, you steer away many of the serious political movements from their real directions to the one which is futile and devoid of any seriousness that is vital for these movements.

It is very clear that in the name of progressive attitude, Bollywood has begun to only unleash its yet another bigotry towards certain targeted community of the society. Even in its stride towards a more inclusive society, the whole industry is just attempting to standardize the lives of LGBT community in the heterosexist way! No wonder, of late, these “progressive movies” depicting alternative sexuality are being splashed on the screens of the opulent multiplexes of our country. And definitely Dostana and Straight have seem to caught the attention of debaters. Well what are we debating about? The real issue? Is the debate on whether Bachhan and Abraham should have kissed, any issue at all?

What did Dostana do to LGBT community? It only ended up reiterating the stereotypical image about gay men. Why should two heterosexual men kiss each other to prove their love for the woman! Come on, what do you mean by that? Do you mean to say that a man kissing another man is as ugly as I-don’t-know-what! Can you get more homophobic than this! And what are you doing this for? To cater to those heterosexuals by making this emotional statement on heterosexual love? Sick! Well, you could have very well told this heterosexual bull shit love story without even involving alternative sexuality!

And what is this about Straight? Could you even call this movie as an attempt that is “in favor” of gay men? This movie is too straight, or completely straight to talk about homosexuality as an issue at all. It is one of the movies that should be rated as highly homophobic to be even tolerated. Well, the protagonist jumps in joy after making love to a woman, because he has found out that he is not gay. Bull shit! This is a clear evidence of the screwed-up understanding that our movie makers have about sexuality. And this tirade about how love is not about sex! How even homosexuals look only for love and not sex! Can't you just stop this heterosexist bull shit-love thing. It is so sickening. We have had enough of crap about glories of love for ages now. Do not attempt to bring this sickening aspect of “yearning for love” into homosexuality and tire us more.

And the hero is never gay in our movies. It is only the supporting actors who are always gays! Would John or Abhishek play the role that Sanjay Suri or Purab Kohli played in My Brother Nikhil?

Give us a break! We are better off watching an ordinary complete commercial masala Tamil movie. Even if it has Vijay or Silambarasan playing the central role!

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